What says the Bible, The Blessed Bible?
This my only question be,
The teachings of men so often mislead us,
What says the Bible to me?

                                      -Author Unknown

“It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the Scriptures what is truth, and then to walk in the light and encourage others to follow his example. We should day by day study the Bible diligently, weighing every thought and comparing scripture with scripture. With divine help we are to form our opinions for ourselves as we are to answer for ourselves before God.”

Great Controversy, 598

The Scriptures are a condensed version of God's will for the human race. Just look at all the books that have been written on just one episode of human history. For instance, there are literally thousands of volumes in the Library of Congress on World War II.

And yet the Bible covers the entire realm of human history in one volume! God does not waste words; He condenses both the past and the future.

Every teaching or doctrine of the Bible can be listed under one of the following 5 C's:













Our CREATOR created all things in a fiat creation. In other words He was not obligated to pre-existing matter but spoke the worlds into existence. This Creator then gave certain COMMANDMENTS that instructed his followers not only how to relate properly to Him as our God but how to relate to each other. Indeed, the whole Bible is an instruction book with plenty of illustrations on the way Christians ought to live!

Because we all broke those commandments and rebelled necessitated a Redeemer or Savior to come who is Jesus CHRIST. Because of God's great and marvelous love for our fallen world Christ took our place. He lived a perfect life and died our death for us, in our place. Where did this take place? At the CROSS!

But it doesn't end there! The news even gets better! Jesus is COMING back for His people. Those who really want Him to return and who are getting ready by the indwelling Holy Spirit to live forever with our God in Heaven. Don't you want to be there?

So, there you have it. The 5 C's

Creator, Commandments, Christ, Cross, Coming